Somethin about everything

Friday, October 19, 2007

Have woefully negelected this space as I forgot how to sign in SIGH getting older ain't for the faint of heart.

I have a good news and better news. I have 3 dogs who have given birth or about to give birth to puppies - hello to PUPPY POWER. I love maltipoos and no I do NOT keep all the dogs I sell them to good homes. Great dogs for those who are allergic as these dogs don't have that dander and do NOT shed hair. Will have to get pics on here as a litter was born the other day and that little girl had EIGHT pup!!!!!!!!!!!

I also have started a travel agency and must put a link on here for that. Oh my that is going to be fun as I love cruises and have gone on a few. Like to cruise well in a couple of days check out the link and if you have questions there is an e-mail address to contact me on the link.

NY is weird right now at least where I am. Warm one day, freezing the next. The poor trees don't know whether to change colors and lose their leaves or to stay green. Very odd indeed as usually by now most of the leaves are down on the ground leaving the mountains and hills quite bald blech.



Monday, October 23, 2006

Wow can't believe that I haven't been on here since July. Alot has happened since then. We have finally moved in September. Our new house is great and we are getting on with painting, unpacking, moving furniture. Alot going on in my life at the moment. A dear friend is seriously ill, my husband and his division were excessed, my old house isn't sold so we are carrying 2 mortgages, I got a new car about 6 weeks ago and love it. Have been reading some blogs from step kids who were from a former marriage and it's like I was never a part of their lives for over 20 years. Man that hurts alot. Their mom who deserted them is now seemingly treated like HEY MOM and I am shut out. What a waste of a chunk of my life. Yeah that does piss me off as I just turned 60 and my 30's and 40's were devoted to them. Damn. Guess I am in an annoyed mood today -well hell it is Monday, Bush is Prez - UGH - and it is raining.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Did the first move to the new house which went very well indeed. Can't wait until the move is HERE and we leave here and move closer to civilization. It will be soon!!!!!!!! Did more packing today even though the heat was horrid we shut up the house and had the a/c in one room on with alot of fans pushing cool air. It cooled down the house very well indeed. Glad I don't live in NYC anymore. Have been looking at new bedroom furniture and boy it does get confusing and more than I think I want to contend with. HOwever, we shall muddle through, Read that Mel Gibson got arrested for DUI well what a shocker that one is. I have been so anti him since that movie he made "The Passion" with its anti semitic overtones that I have boycotted even his old movies. I told a good friend of mine that I felt he was a hypocrite and was making alot of money to salve his own feelings of guilt. Guess I was right. Hope the door in Hollywood hits him in the rear.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Woke up at 4AM - now how unGodly is that!!!!!!!! Couldn't get back to sleep again so started to game plan the day and the next few days at that. Having learned a lesson from last week when I mowed our lawn in tremendous heat and sun I decided NOT to be stupid and do it earlier. So at 8AM I was out there mowing an acre of land. Got it all done and before the sun was really high and hot. Nice shower after and then onto the laundry. Am getting into packing mode as pretty soon we are moving to our new house. It's so weird as when I moved here my sons didn't want to come and now that I am moving 7 years later they don't want to leave HERE!!!!!!! Now I could see if I were taking them out of school but they are in college and have cars and can come back anytime they please. People do get odd, myself included!! Then we put this house on the market and SELL it. Nice house near the ski slopes so shouldn't take long to sell. Am feeling better after a nasty bout with food poisoning - thank goodness that is over. Now just getting ready for the move. Can't wait

Monday, July 17, 2006

Well a hot and humid Monday to all. Hit about 95 today and was HOTTTTTTTTT. On Saturday we went to the movies after seeing how well our new house is coming along YEAHHHH. Saw the Devil wears Prada and it was good!!!!! Then went to a restaurant in the mall to get a quick sandwich and oh boy did I regret that got food poisoning from hell. Was sick through today YUCH. Then this AM my great dog Daisy decided today was the day to have her pups so off we went to a small room with a whelping box where she had 5 pups but alas the last one was DOA and it was really sad. But she does have 3 great males and 1 female and she is well as are the pups so all is well. Now that she has given birth she has become a real chow hound and I'm feeding her as much as she wants as she will need the strength with 4 little ones. Hope tomorrow that I feel 100% again so I can start packing in earnest. Can't wait to move

Friday, July 14, 2006

Well today is my favorite day FRIDAY!!!! However I spent most of the night wide awake with my poodle who is VERY pregnant and due at any second. She fell asleep and that's when I decided that the dog knew more than I did and I went to sleep too. This AM she is still pregnant and happy as a lark. Me I'm sleepy - probably dopey too LOL. Am going to new house tomorrow and am excited by this as alot of work has been done which means closer to moving HURRAH!!!!!!!!! We also got our new phone numbers so it looks like this move is really gonna happen. Only started on this about a year or so ago. So now wait for my dog to bive birth to puppies and try to stay out of the sun with 90 degree heat. OUCH.

Monday, July 10, 2006

AHHHH another day dawns in NY. They say we are going to get bad weather this afternoon and wrote horrendous tales of what we are in store for. THEN they said there was a 30% chance of it happening. I turned to my husband and said doesn't that really mean that there is actually a 70% chance of it NOT happening. C'mon let's look at the glass 1/2 full not empty.
So my life goes on and I am not as upset as yesterday when the contractor drove me bonkers. Why is it that this stuff bothers you more when it is dark outside than in the AM. HMMMMMM
So we shall get over all of this and charge onward. Am considering teaching once I move. Should scare the kids to death LOL. I love to teach HS and would really like to take a stab at college. There is a community college near where I will be living and since I have a masters degree I should be able to teach SOMETHING. However, we shall leave money management and math OUT of that equation.
Well that's it for now I'm sure I may add to this later today as my life seems like an endless roller coaster with unexpected twists and turns at any unexpected time!!!!!!!!
Off to face the day.